HI! Are you ready to talk about jaw popping?
Are you experiencing tension, grinding, or popping when you stretch or open your mouth?
You may even have pain associated with it.
What can you do?
If you have a stiffened jaw on one side that pops on occasion when stretching your mouth in a yawn or worse yet both sides of the jaw pop or grind when you open your mouth.
Your jaw may be misaligned.
And in that case, your jaw isn’t sitting correctly in its joint socket creating inconsistent, asymmetrical movement.
I once worked on a patient that had this scenario so bad that she couldn’t chew on one side and the pain was like a sharp jab occurring every minute.
At night, when she slept, she had incredible tension, teeth grinding and pain so severe, it would wake her up.
Luckily, during an exam, I was able to work on her jaw muscles and found the real issue in her neck muscles and the position of her neck joints. I even found some underlying tension in her low back that contributed to the problem of stiffness in her neck.
I found that a certain posture she maintained for several hours a day in an easy chair was causing this regular strain on her neck posture.
Many things can cause these jaw problems, not just sitting postures, but also strain and stress in the low back.
After intense deep massage point treatments of deep muscles in her jaw and neck, and relaxing manual therapy for her low back for days in a row, she finally was able to have subtle release of tension each day. At day five, she didn’t need to come back anymore.
I gave her my Balancing the Neck Biomechanics Exercises to do at home and she maintains the correct joint balance daily to prevent future problems or reoccurrences. (You can find these exercises for all body regions and for joint issues in The Products and Video Store drop down list in this website at the top).
I hope this story helped you and the explanations are clear. If you have more questions, then I ask you to attend my next webinar (given on Fridays at noon (PST) where we can go over your specific issues.
Dr. Alongi, The Virtual Chiropractor